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Unofficial FAQ
The Unofficial FAQ Forum!

New to NewOrder? There are many interactive features to the site, here is a small overview. [unfinished]

[ Official FAQ | Edge Engine Overview | Revised Overview | Message Board | Newbies Guide ]

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.:: Contents ::.

How to Reply to a Neworder post, (a guide for the less than competent.)

User Levels Questions
What does my user level mean?
How do I ascend in rank? Is there challenge, ala Cyberarmy?
What can all the different user levels do?

Message Board Questions
Why are my posts being deleted?
If I cant do any of the stuff in the question above, how do I find cracks?
No crack appears to exist. Will you crack this program for me?
Is the board a place to check my proxy?
I keep being referred to a search engine even though my question isnt a bad one per se, why won't people help me?
But I searched!! I really did!! And I didn't find anything, why am I still being flamed?
Can you help me get a working credit card number?
Some common search engines
I don't really know the answer to someone's question, but I want to answer anyway, just so I look l33t.
Why did they give an idiot like BakeSnake power?
Should I use the board for personal issues?
How come the moderators got angry with me for asking a question?
Why did my post get sod all replies? This board sucks!
My MSN messenger doesn't work. Is this the place to whine about it?
I'm SURE my girlfriend is cheating on me...
I just downloaded Trojan du jour and I don't know how to use it. Any ideas?
Can I contribute to neworder?
How do I get /etc/passwd or how do i hack stuff???

Common Questions.
My Uncle put a pass on the BIOS to stop me looking at his hindu pr0n, how can I overcome this?
I've been infected with a virus/trojan. what now?
How Do I become a Hacker?
Where can i learn to talk 1337?

Beware these questions
I think my wife is cheating on me. How can i hack into her hotmail inbox?
My school's site is How can I hack into it and delete everything by tea time?
Crack required. E-mail
My MSN messenger doesn't work. Is this the place to whine about it?

And finally...
Is there sex allowed in the champagne room?
How often is the unofficial FAQ updated?
Whats the best food to eat when hacking?
What is Jolt Cola, and where can I get some? I here it's 1337...
Which really is better? Windows or Linux?

How to Reply to a Neworder post, (a guide for the less than competent.)

1. read the entire post, just looking at the title doesn't constitute reading the entire post ( -nt- is the exception)
2. think before you post. your parents aren't paying taxes and your tution in hopes that you'll be an illiterate fool all your life.
3. don't post stupid replies to valid questions that appear on the board. althought the obviousely humerous ones are always appriciated!.(this is a great example!)
4. if all else fails, ask your friend for help in removing your head from your arse.

example of bad replies

~valid question, less than valid reply.
{ Contribued by tuna }

User Levels Questions:

Q. What does my user level mean?
A. Your user level is in no way significant of your skill or intelligence. Users with a higher level are simply long time members who help out around the place.

Q: How do I ascend in rank? Is there challenge, ala Cyberarmy?
A: No. Rank is handed out by Cube personally. Show a sincere desire to help the board flourish, at the right point in time, and you may be made a moderator. But ask yourself first, "Is this really what I want?".

Q: What can all the different user levels do?

0 - Standard, Registered Member level. Does not signify that YOU are a zero. Does not necessarily suggest IQ level. You are NOT lame simply by virtue of the fact that you are level 0. In fact, there are some level 0 users who are very much the opposite of lame. You only become lame when you ask how to get to a higher level more than 6 times.

  1. unknown
  2. unknown
  3. unknown
  4. unknown
  5. Basic Board Moderator level, allows deletion of lame posts. Generally, a lame post means a crack/hack/warez/serialz/credit card/hotmail or yahoo password request, although it can also be an illegible post, 7yp3d |n 500p3r k3w1 31337 13773rz. Think of level 5 as the basic Neworder Forum babysitter: Our job is to keep the place from choking on it's own vomit. To see what we see, click here.
  6. Level 6 has the power to edit and approve SMS news.
  7. This level is held by users like Elf Qrin, as well as others, who have shown a special ability for helping the box network grow in a positive direction, and have gained the trust and friendship of Cube. Elf Qrin is the admin of NewOrder and as such has a higher level of access. He has all the functions of a board moderator, as well as the ability to edit and approve major articles and themes of the month. Some, but not all level 7's have the ability to upload files to the site that they feel would be beneficial. A level 7 user on a boxnet site is usually an admin or admin equivalant user. And then there's Drew. He's just a level 7 because nobody else cares about putting pretty pictures on all the articles.
  8. unknown
  9. A level 9 user has the ability to add and edit polls and basically all the power of cube.
  10. Cube: Can remove users from the site and has overall administration power.

Message Board Questions:

Q: Why are my posts being deleted?
A: The (now) unwritten rules for the board are no cracks(that goes for serials keygens and any of that other crap), no software requests and no 'lame' posts. This means in practical terms not asking how to hack hotmail, yahoo, your schools site and so on. A dim view is also taken of people using the board as an instant messaging service. One of the great benefits of the NewOrder forum is the memo facility. If you're putting a message on the board to a user, remember that you can memo him instead which will save yourself, others and the mods time from reading stuff that shouldn't be there.

Q: If I cant do any of the stuff in the question above, how do I find cracks?
A: Go to Astalavista and type in your chosen crack that you're looking for.

Q: No crack appears to exist. Will you crack this program for me?
A: No, no one is going to do anything for you. This goes for defacing website/breaking into computers of people who annoyed you. Now either start reading up or go play with your dolls.

Q: Is the board a place to check my proxy?
A: Undoubtedly NO. You can do a proxy test at which is far more thorough. If you have to use our board to test a proxy then you shouldn't have any need to use one as it will only end in tears anyway. Especially your ignorant gits who start a new thread and don't have the decency to post it down the bottom somewhere.

Q: I keep being refered to a search engine even though my question isnt a bad one per se, why wont people help me?
A: This happens a lot and here's why: Imagine you go to the board everyday and someone has posted a question saying something like "Hey what does 'secret.dll' do in windows\system? Can i delete it or what?". The chances are that if you type this name into a search engine, you will get a very detailed and complete description of what it does. You are expected to use your head when it comes to posting material. If you are asking about some specific thing that has maybe been about for a while try searching first. Learn to use a search engine. It is your key to endless knowledge via the internet. If you can't find anything then post your question and someone will answer it.

Q: But I searched! I really did! And I didn't find anything, why am I still being flamed?
A: Searching the internet is an art in and of itself. A seeker must use his/her brain to really find what they want. If you're looking for a zip file password cracker, don't enter just the words 'password cracker' because you'll end up with 8 million returns that won't help you at all. Use your head along with your Google, and you might just find what you are looking for. (Read the search tut on blacksun)

Q: Can you help me get a working credit card number?
A: Yes actually, here's how: Go outside and start walking through the business district of your hometown. Every time you pass a place of business, step inside and ask the proprietor if they could use a little help, sweeping the floor after hours or whatnot. Eventually you will be successful, trust me. Then, after many years of faithful service, you will slowly begin to rise in the ranks of that business, and who knows, someday if you play your cards right you may even own the place! Now, as all of this hard work is taking place, a miraculous thing will begin to happen: your credit rating will begin to creep up and up, then you can get all the cards that your credit rating will allow... cool, huh?! Also, you will learn the value of money; that it takes someone, somewhere, a lot af hard work and self control to generate that money, it doesn't just grow on trees. I sincerely wish you the best of luck, and hope that you one day earn a million... the honest way.

Some common search engines

  1. Google - A great search engine. Especially for international subjects.
  2. AltaVista - The 1st and largest full-text search engine.
  3. HotBot - Searches the full text of a potential document.
  4. Ask Jeeves - Allows 'plain English' searches.
  5. Yahoo! - Category based search engine.

Q: I don't really know the answer to someone's question, but I want to answer anyway, just so I look 'l33t.
A: Don't do this under any circumstances. Nothing angers me more than people who ruin perfectly good questions with moronic comments and wrong answers. If you don't know the answer to a question, shut up and keep it in your pants. Chances are, someone who does know the right answer will come along and then YOU will learn something too.

Q: Why did they give an idiot like BakeSnake Power.

A: No one knows, we're still trying to figure it out. (J/k)Callaghan
- Actually, I don't know either, and I still feel kinda guilty... wait, no I don't MWAHAHAHAHA! I HAVE THE POWER! ~BakeSnake :o)

Q: Should I use the board for personal issues?
A: No. If you have a personal issue to take up with someone then you can use the memoing system. If that's innapropriate then use e-mail or arrange somewhere else to discuss the problem. Don't post on the board either asking if they got the memo. If it says your memo has been sent to user dave-uberhaxor, then the memo has been sent to dave-uberhaxor.

Q: How come the moderators got angry with me for asking a question?
A: Don't memo a moderator asking them a question unless it is specific to them. Ask on the board first. Chances are you will get a more in-depth response from a wider range of users. Also don't memo a moderator asking them to answer a question that you've already posted on the board, we can read, if we know the answer we'll post it.

Q: Why did my post get sod all replies? This board sucks!
A: This commonly happens for a couple of reasons, firstly your topic may be a little advanced/unknown to a great deal of people. The board has almost 60,000 registered users. Not all of them are regular posters, nor does any user have all the answers, and for those reasons alone you may not be getting your answers. The second reason is probably because you've named your post something abstract. Here are a couple of guidelines for post naming :

  • Call it something related to the topic, things like 'Help me!', 'Hacking Question', etc. do not generate interest.
  • Don't place highly technical and uncommon terms in the subject - it can put people off. Instead give a general related title.

Here are some awful examples of subjects:

  • 'Help please' (7 replies, only 1 being useful though)
  • 'Help now please!' (no replies)
  • 'Ireland' (11 Replies on this deep political battle)
  • 'NEED HELP!' (11 Replies most pointing out how crap the title was)

Here are some examples of good(ish) subjects:

  • 'Neworder FAQ - please add to it'
  • 'Search engines spiders'
  • 'WinZip PWD Recovery'
  • 'smtp restriction ???'
  • 'How do I disable file ∓mp;mp;mp;mp; print sharing?'

Q: I'm SURE my girlfriend is cheating on me and I want to hack her hotmail account. So, my brilliant plan was to ask how to hack her account on the New Order Message Board. Alas, trouble came into paradise when my posts got deleted...So plan B was to memo all the moderators and ask THEM how to hack hotmail. Why did they respond angrily?
A: Yep, your girlfriend is cheating on you. I'm doing her and there's nothing you can do about it. If you want her hotmail password, maybe try using a trojan or a keylogger. Look into the whole idea. By the time you realize what it entails, you'll lose interest, believe me (Besides, she's not that good anyway).

Q: I just downloaded Trojan du jour and I don't know how to use it. Any ideas?
A: No. It is the general feeling of everyone on this board that if you are too stupid to figure out how to use a simple trojan program, we aren't gonna teach you. Do yourself a favor. Delete the thing from your harddrive and learn a bit more about everything before you try this again. Think about it. What right does someone who can't figure out how to use a simple program have to be messing around in others' computers???

Q: Can I contribute to neworder?
A: Yes, normal users can post into the news on neworder with any breaking security news. Your theme should be SMS.
An example of news is:
New bug found in IIS, some text from the article followed by the appropriate link.
Example of what you shouldn't post:
Can you help me find a serial? (Yes someone did post this into the news)

If you don't see your news right away don't panic and post it again, it has to be approved by a moderator before it will appear and at the moment there is a bit of a problem with the approval system.

Q: How do I get /etc/passwd or how do i hack stuff???
A: I understand your frustration with this problem, however, your question is, well, kind of broad. It's sort of like asking this: "Hey guys, I got this book on fighting wars and it says to kill the enemy (among other things) to win a battle. I keep trying to kill the enemy and I am getting shot all the time. Is there any easy way of killing the enemy?" I mean that's the whole point of war, and if it were that easy we wouldn't have so many of them, I suppose. But anyway, my point is that learning about security is the reason most of us are doing this, and there are so many different factors involved with obtaining /etc/passwd that doing so can be quite varied from one system to another. Be more specific, read a bit more, and by the way don't break into systems illegally unless you really know what you are doing (and by then you'll know not to do it in the first place, probably).a great reply to the question on passwd from volsung one day on the board ~cd~

Common questions:

Q: My Uncle put a pass on the BIOS to stop me looking at his hindu pr0n, how can I overcome this?
A: Vist here or here if this fails drop computer from height onto firm surface (eg floor)

Q: I have been infected with virus/trojan what now?
A: Install virus scanner Mcafee or Norton or freeware AVG AV System scan, remove. Try installing one of the softwares and it will more than likely remove said virus and protect you from infection in the future. You should also go to folder options in windows explorer and uncheck the box that says "hide file extension for known types" this way the next time you download "lesbianlovebath.mpeg.exe" you'll know it's a lie.

Q: How do I become a Hacker?
A: First of all: You cannot learn to be a Hacker in the same way you can learn mathematics at school. Being a Hacker implies to live a certain way of life and to have a certain philosophy or moral. To become a Hacker, you should certainly learn about what a Hacker actually is at first. We are not talking about the "Hacker" they present to you in the media or in the media. We are not talking about criminals or computer pirates.

We are talking about "a person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, who enjoys the intellectual challenge of any creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations". If you can think of you as such a person, you should read the whole text I quoted from: Being Hacker from ElfQrin. Now that you have read this, go here if you are still interested and work through the different essays.This is just to mke sure you really want to be what we call a Hacker. If you are completely convinced that this is what you want, you will simply have to start learning.

This means, you should perhaps learn a programming language such as C++, Java, Python or Perl. There are many other Languages and you should figure out yourself which of them appeals most to you. Whatever you are looking for, a worthy instrument are most of the famous Search engines. You will also find a lot of information, links and more about programming at Besides coding, you should also read most or all of the other interesting tutorials and guides which can be found here:

That's that. If you think that you have learned enough, learn a bit more. And whenever you have questions about what you have learned ... feel free to come to the Neworder Message Board :D

Q: Where can i learn to talk 1337?
A: Here.
{ Contribued by Enaegma }

.:: Beware these frequent questions ::.

Q: I think my wife is cheating on me. How can i hack into her hotmail inbox?

Infection Status: once a week | Risk Rating to Victims: low | Intelligence of poster: minimal

Other information: may also be posted under the following guises:
I lost my password for my hotmail account and I'm totally unable to remeber anything that I submitted whilst signing up. How can I hack in and get my password?
HELP-password for, e-mail
I want to prove to my friend that I can 'hack in' to hotmail. Can someone tell me how to do that?

Q: My school's site is How can I hack into it and delete everything by tea time?

Infection Status: once every couple of days | Risk Rating to Victims: incrediably low | Intelligence of poster: Ferris Beuler like

Other Information: may also be posted under the folling guises:
HACKERS WANTED - any real hackers out there, try hacking into this site
Hey, I need to check the security on my webserver. Can someone try hacking my site ( and tell me what they find so I can apply the patches immediatly?? Thanks, The Plague (get it?)

Q: [insert software title here] crack required. e-mail

Infection Status: every couple of hours | Risk Rating to Companies: medium (hey, he might get a serial!) | Intelligence of poster: varies, but we'll stick with moron

Other information: This one doesnt really come with much variation, and thanks to us mods, you usually dont have to see them for more than 15/20 minutes before it's deleted.

Q: My MSN messenger doesn't work. Is this the place to whine about it?

Infection Status: every time msn goes down for a routine repair | Risk Rating to Companies: none | Intelligence of poster: low, probably has nothing else to talk about

A: No. Not all of us use MSN and even those who do are tired of the play by play. So please keep all instant messenger woes to yourself.

And Finally...

Q: Is there sex allowed in the champagne room?
A: No, not at any time. There is no sex in the champagne room.

Q: How often is the unofficial FAQ updated?
A: Whenever Drew gets pissed off enough to do it. :O)

Q: Whats the best food to eat when hacking?
Personally (cd), its Pizza or else nachos. Anything cheesy is a safe bet with a cold beer or for the non-alcohol drinking, Dr. Pepper (if you are uberhaxor then drink Jolt Cola like all the others)

Q: What is Jolt Cola, and where can I get some? I here it's 1337...
A: Jolt Cola is an American cola beverage, similar to Coca~Cola or Pepsi-Cola, except it's main selling point is that it contains twice the caffeine and sugar of 'regular' colas. Therefore it is used by 31337 h4x0rz to stay awake for those long, lonely r00ting sessions.

Q: Which really is better? Windows or Linux?
A: Both Windows and Linux are good for their respective users (Shit that was an easy one)... Furthermore, you can do almost anything on a Windows machine that you can do on a Linux machine and vice-versa. Linux however offers more scope for programmers in some ways and is rated far more stable. Windows is great for games and most stuff normal people need to do on a computer. It is also very easy to use for the family, which the Linux extremist seems to forget sometimes :)
