NewOrder has always been a very interactive site. You may have initially discovered NewOrder, and possibly the entire
Box Network, by way of the legendary NewOrder message board. Or, perhaps it was via IRC, or the
NewOrder online chat. Whatever the case, NewOrder is now more interactive than ever, with numerous ways to have your voice heard in a civilized manner.
Below is listed a sampling:
Do you know a great site that you think belongs in the NewOrder database? Or do you run your own security/networking/hacking oriented site? By all means, suggest a site to NewOrder!
Quite possibly the greatest addition to the site is the ability of all members (membership is free, just pick a nick and
signup!) to post into the news, giving users a feeling of community, which has always been a standout feature of NewOrder, now moreso than ever.
Here is a listing of the various sub-topics that users may post to:
Got something on your mind? Want to write an article about something you feel the community should know about? This is your category. Simply click the 'post into the news' link on the left hand side of the main page and write an article. As soon as a moderator approves your work, you'll be published on the main page. Please remember that 'articles' is not the proper category for posting news found around the net. That's what SMS is for. See below for a list of guidelines on posting material on New Order.
Boxster's Lifestyle:
Boxter's Lifestyle is a way for community members to express their own personal lives to the rest of the community. Here we deal with social issues that affect all of us. These things may not always be computer security related. It's here that we can be free to discuss topics that remind us we are actually human. (well, some of us)
Reserved for interviews with interesting members of the community. Past interviews have included the controversial defacement team WoH and that dude who lobbed Bill Gates with a pie.
New Order Newsletter:
The newsletter is posted monthly by our own CD (or Jaymez, whatever you wish to call him) who makes time out of his (very) busy schedule to summarize the events of the previous month. The newsletter is always great reading. Be sure you don't miss it.
Out of the box:
Out of the Box is used for network members to write about happenings from within. Often this heading is used for announcements and opinion based articles from Boxnet admins.
SMS comprises the news here at New Order. News can be submitted by anyone with a registered username. Many members of our community are avid news readers and the news is updated with lightening speed. If you want to know what's going on in the world of security, look at the SMS news.
Theme of the Month:
The Theme of the month, is (surprise!) exactly what it says. If you scroll down the main page, past the articles, you'll find our theme for the month. The theme is generally a living document that is updated as the month goes on. If you feel that you can add something to the theme of any month, feel free to memo any moderator and let them know.
Initial suggestion for this section provided by tuna.